Our Church Planting Vision 1. Strategic Intercession
Everything flows out of prayer and the vision God gives His Church. When His vision for new churches becomes our core value we proceed with confidence.
2. Support from Leadership
The vision and value of church planting is not only endorsed, but also promoted by our top leaders. Without leadership support the vision is stifled.
3. Mutual Respect and Cooperation with Existing Churches.
We must honor them and help them grow. Church planting is not an "us vs. them" battle for resources, but a Kingdom partnership that blesses, encourages and builds each other. We want no church to be left behind on our journey to multiply disciples, leaders and churches!
4. Intentional Church Planting Leadership
Provide for leadership that can focus on church planting. Leadership cannot be done by committee. Give someone the resources to focus his/her attention on mobilizing and equipping church planting efforts in our group. Use outside consultants until we are ready to appoint someone from within.
5. A Culture That Attracts Spiritual Pioneers--
· Value and embrace pioneers. · Provide the assessment, training, coaching and resources needed to help planters. · Put together the reproducible systems to make church planting a continual multiplying effort.
6. Adequate Funding
Spend the money necessary to plant churches. Follow the money and you find the priority in a group. You will need to have a few breakout churches to help others get on board and increase enthusiasm and momentum. Money will not be an issue where there is success.
7. Bold Examples
Pastors of some of the larger churches who will lead their churches to plant churches. They become trigger men to influence other pastors to move your denomination to become a movement of churches planting churches planting churches!
Our Church Planting Values 1. Compassion and passion for unchurched people.
Care enough for lost people that a significant amount of time, energy and resources are invested to reach them.
2. Culturally relevant style.
Develop a strategy of ministry that attracts seekers and addresses their needs.
3. Great Commission orientation.
See your ministry potential in terms of people yet to be reached, not in terms of your limitations in facilities or finances. Be committed to making disciples and multiplying congregations marked by the distinctive of a lifestyle of holy love grounded in the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.
4. Developing, empowering and releasing leaders "from the harvest for the harvest."
Actively seek, recruit, train and mentor potential ministry leaders and church planters. Encourage the investment of your leaders and resources to help other churches start.
5. Confidence in Gods ability.
Make bold plans from an abundance mind set, praying in faith knowing God has the resources to provide for those He calls!
6. Kingdom perspective.
Focus on what God is doing in an area, pray and partner with other ministries, not just our local church, conference or denomination.
7. Faith-filled generosity.
We can't out give God! We have found investing in new churches has brought a seven-fold return to the conference and other Kingdom work. Church planting does not cost, it pays!