Our Vision
In 27 years in ministry, we've nurtured a passion to draw seekers and
believers alike closer to Jesus Christ.
Our family motto is "Have fun, do your best...let Jesus
shine through you."
Tim's life verse is Isaiah 37:31, "...take root below and
bear fruit above."
Tim's vision:
As I follow Jesus and the leaders He's placed in my life, His
call is to
"lead leaders" by: Communicating through speaking and writing to help people "see" and know Jesus... Thinking conceptually to help the Body of Christ plan strategically...
Coaching leaders to dream
and do great things for God...
"to the ends of the earth."
Our Ministry
We're missionaries...multiplying leaders and churches across
our nation and around the world.
We work with Church Resource Ministries (CRM),
a 25-year old missions organization with over 350 missionaries across the U.S. and around the world. Tim leads CRM's "A*C*T*S"
(Assessing, Coaching, Teambuilding Strategically) Innovation Team /FONT> helping denominations,
churches and leaders start new churches, "restart" struggling churches and raise up new leaders for the harvest.
Tim serves as Director of Harvest Ministries for his home denomination, The Evangelical
Church plan for and plant more churches.
Tim continues to serve with ChristLife Evangelical Church, sent
out as their "Global Pastor."
Shirley is the Office Administrator for Evangelical Church Missions.
ministry is to be on "W*A*T*C*H" for leaders in order to serve themat key times in
their life and ministry:
W--Writing books
and training materials
A--Assessing leaders
to help them find their best ministry fit and churches to help them find health in their ministry.
T--Training leaders to be more effective in ministry
C--Coaching leaders as they begin new ventures for God
H--Heart-helping by listening and encouraging leaders at key moments in
their journey.