Ministry Updates and Prayer Prompters
March 2001
SPECIAL UPDATE....Shirley going to Japan with Tim in May! Shirley has been invited by the leaders in Japan to join
Tim in ministry for their trip to Japan in May. The only cost will be the price of her plane ticket ($1,000). If you like
to assist us, you can send a ministry gift to our home or her office. Checks may be make out to: ECM and sent to: ECM
Office: 9421 W. River Rd N MPLS, MN 55444 TRAVELS This has been the most travel-intensive month yet in our ministry,
as Tim was gone more than he was home. Your prayers for Tim as he travels and Shirley and the girls as they minister on the
home front are more important than you knowthanks for praying! WESTERN CONFERENCE Tim spent several days
with leaders from our Western Conference in Billings, Montana. He enjoyed the gracious hospitality of Superintendent Dale
and Vonda Erberle, who made him feel right at home. During those days Tim: · Spent a day consulting with leaders from
our church in Great Falls, Montana, which is in the process of restarting. · Attended two of our churches in Billings
on Sunday. He especially enjoyed praying with the prayer team from our new Harvest Church in Billings. · Led a workshop
on issues concerning assessing potential church planters and pastors for leaders from the Western Conference. · Assessed
one couple and did a first impression visit with another. · Spent a day with the Church Extension Board of the Western
Conference as they walked through their fall Board meeting. · Visited with several other leaders in the Conference. ·
Enjoyed a birthday surprise at a mealthanks to Shirley who spilled the beans to Robin at the Western Conference office.
WILEY CHURCH MISSIONS CONFERENCE--NEW JERSEY Tim spent five days speaking at a missions conference at Wiley Church
in Marlton, NJ. He spoke six times and was a resource person for the other missionaries at the Conference. His Key Words
for Kingdom Ministers series was well received. He enjoyed spending significant time with several friends in that area as
well. He also got to see some historic sites around Philadelphia. A big thanks to Cecil and Carole Gilmore who hosted him
during those days. COACHING Tim began a new ministry of coaching a coach from Texas this month as part of
his ministry with the Advanced Coaching Team of Inquest Ministries. WRITING Plastow Publications picked
up five more of Tims drama sketches for publication, bringing the total number in print to over 80. NORTH CENTRAL
CONFERENCE Tim spent significant time with two men planting churches. John Schaeffel and his family continue to
do good work in Sartell, MN. Wes Fahlenkamp and his family (ChristLifes first church planters!) continue to develop a ministry
in their hometown of Montezuma, IA. MEN'S RETREAT Our ChristLife men did a tremendous job leading our Conference
Mens Retreat in Rochester, MN March 23-25. Tim got to participate in part of the Retreat. BETHEL CHURCH SPECIAL
MEETINGS--INDIANA Tim preached a series of messages for Special Meetings at Bethel Missionary Church near Goshen,
IN March 25th-30th. Seeing long time friends in the area including Jim and Sue Smith who pastor that church was an extra
treat. WEB SITES Dont forget our two new web sites! Visit: www.RoehlReport.com for info and updates
about our ministry and family www.EvangelicalChurchplanting.org for info about our denominational church planting vision,
values, strategies and articles. E-Team E-zine Tim continues his new ministry, a regular online newsletter
called E-Team E-zineEncouragement and Equipping for Evangelism and Extending the Kingdom. Three issues have been published
and hes getting good feedback. SUPPORT UPDATE We are grateful for new support this past month, including
long time friends from Tims hometown of Sleepy Eye, MN, other friends and our Western Conference. Were over 75% of the way
to being fully funded!
February 2001
Ten Days In Dallas Tim spent 10 days in Dallas for three ministry events. He greatly appreciated staying with Shirleys
cousin (Tims cousin-in-law J) Billy and Wendy Stephen and their family. Their home was an oasis during busy ministry!
Boot Camp Tim coached at a CMTC Boot Camp for four days, including a team from our Duluth churchand four other
planting teams from four denominations and four different states! Coaching at a Boot Camp is always a pleasure. Advanced
Coaching Clinic Tim is part of a team that trains church planting coaches. We hosted an Advanced Coaching Clinic
for two days. Our vision is to train and certify a network of great coaches all over the country. Ministry Training
Tim received 3 days of training from Personality Insights, Inc while in Dallas, learning how to use the DISC Profile
to more effectively assess, coach and train leaders. It was a stretching time, and opens up more doors of ministry both to
churches and businesses! Ministry at ChristLife We spoke as missionaries at ChristLife on February 25th,
presenting our nation as a mission field and our ministry as missionaries. We are very grateful for the prayer and financial
support of our home church! Pastors/Wives Conference Shirley and Tim enjoyed three days of fellowship and
learning with fellow pastors and wives from our Conference. It was good to spend time with our home team again! CRM
Upgrade Writing Day Our CRM Church Multiplication Team spent a day developing new ministry resources in Los Angeles.
We are working on resources that will help new and young churches reach their full potential and reproduce. We believe it
will fill a needed niche for resources in Kingdom ministries. Web Sites Don't forget our two new web sites!
Tim's been developing them over the past three monthswere excited about this new way to serve others! Visit: www.RoehlReport.com
for info and updates about our ministry and family www.EvangelicalChurchplanting.org for info about our denominational
church planting vision, values, strategies and articles. "E-Team E-zine" Tim began a new ministry
this month online. He is beginning a regular online newsletter hes calling E-Team E-zineEncouragement and Equipping
for Evangelism and Extending the Kingdom. He hopes it will be a connection point and resource site for leaders across our
denomination and nation. NCC Church Extension Tim continues his ministry of leading our church planting
efforts in our Conference. An extra highlight this month he developed materials for our yearly Church Extension offering
used by churches across our Conference. Support Update Our financial support level reached about 70% as
of this writing. We welcomed several new families and a church to our team recently. We thank God for those who partner
with us in this great ministry vision! We welcome you to join us! Book Proposals Tim sent our proposals
for his book The Day That Changed Forever to several publishers this month. Pray for God to choose the right publisher!
Aubrey Checks Out Crown Aubrey spent an overnight and day checking out Crown College, staying with our friend
Angela Hansen. Shes only a year and a half from college! Please pray for Gods guidance as she seeks His good plan for her
November-December Ministry Update
Atlanta/Southeastern Conference Tim was able to invest five days with Keith Dickerson, Superintendent of our Southeastern
Conference and his family. Keith and I worked on strategic thinking and ministry planning for his Conference and his local
church in a variety of ways as they seek to reach more people and start more churches! Denominational Board meetings
Both Shirley and Tim spent four days as part of our Denominational Board meetings at The Cove (Billy Graham' training
& conference center in North Carolina). Shirley helped with the Board of Missions meeting and Tim is a member of our
Denominational Council. At that meeting our Denominational Council gave Tim the title "Dominational Church Planting
Consultant." The title comes with no funding or job description, but does show their support for Tim's growing ministry
across our denomination. Youth Rally We went as a family with several youth from our church to our weekend
Youth Rally ministry Iowa. Tim and Shirley served as drivers, and Shirley had the "joy" of being a girl's counselor!
Tim got to spend some significant time with some of the teens, and especially with one of our conference pastors about his
local church ministry. Surprised By Grace/Christmas Hearts/Crossings Book Club Sales of both Christmas
Hearts and Surprised By Grace continue to go well across the country. Tim was pleasantly surprised to receive a catalog from
Crossings Book Club (a Christian book club with thousands of members) and find it was their featured book for the season!
Family Time We enjoyed going to Iowa to spend time with Shirley's side of the family for Thanksgiving,
the first time all our families had been together like that for over 3 years. Shirley's mom is gaining strength and doing
much better. Thank you for your prayers on her behalf. Support Team We are now at about 60% of our support
goal. Thank you for your prayers and involvement for us to be fully funded as missionaries is greatly appreciated! We still
need about $2,200 a month in support to be fully funding and meet our needs. Missions Building A
major part of Shirley's ministry in recent weeks has been the purchase of a new office building for the Missions department
of our denomination. She has spend MANY hours meeting with real estate agents, bank officers and others. Purchase of the
building was finally formally purchased just before Thanksgiving. Her next step is to help with the move of the offices to
the new building. It will require more time and prayer! CRM Team Meeting Tim met with his CRM Church
Multiplication Team at CRM's headquarters in Los Angeles for 3 days at the end of November. It is a joy to be a part of such
a gifted team of leaders with such a clear sense of vision on the cutting edge of Kingdom work. Tim looks forward to helping
develop new ministry tools for leaders in the year ahead. He will be giving more time to writing and developing ministry
tools for spiritual pioneers in the year ahead. Coaching Tim began formally coaching another church planter
this past month with a couple planting a church in the beach area of North Carolina. This young church is just beginning
and has exciting things ahead. Tim got to know Ted and Jamie Clark through assessing them and then coaching them this past
year. CMTC Boot Camp Tim coached at a CMTC Boot Camp in San Diego December 3-8, working with leaders
from our own conference and denomination as well as others from different groups and areas of the country. This is a ministry
Tim especially enjoys. An EXTRA joy on this trip was Aubrey meeting Tim and getting to spend a couple of days seeing some
sights and enjoying time together as Aubrey celebrated her 17th birthday on December 5th! Assessments Tim
has 3 assessments of ministry couples scheduled in the near future. Please pray for wisdom as he helps couples discern their
bestfit for them in ministry. Tim has done many assessments this past year. Preaching Tim preached at New
Community Church in Atlanta in November and is speaking at SonLight Church on December 10th and ChristLife on December 17th.
It will be nice to worship at home again! Thank You Again for prayers and support mean more than we can say!
From our family to yours...Merry CHRISTmas and a God-blessed New Year!
January Ministry Update
Welcome to 2001! Gods got wonder-full things ahead for 2001! Heres some updates of recent ministry and an overview
of the year ahead. Promise for 2001 Gods given us an exciting year verse promise for this year. Taken from
The Message, listen to these words from Romans 8:14: "Gods Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places
to go! This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. Its adventurously expectant, greeting
God with a childlike, Whats next, Papa?" Last year was the year of transition. We believe God is inviting us
to a year of expansion in many ways! Would you pray with us that God will keep us sensitive to His invitations, strong in
our believing prayer, surrounded by His protection, stretching in our faith, and seeing God bear much fruit through our lives
and ministry. Family Ministry Web Site We now have a ministry/family web site! With the help of Shirleys
sisters, we have a web site to tell you about more about our family and ministry. Our address is: www.RoehlReport.com
Denominational Church Planting Web Site Tim has developed a web site about church planting ministries
across our denomination! It includes news about our new churches as well as information for potential church planters about
Evangelical Church Planting ministry. Visit the site at www.EvangelicalChurchplanting.org Church Multiplication
Forum Tim attended the Church Multiplication Forum, an event for church planting leaders from across our country.
Tim assisted several of his CRM team mates in their presentations and represented our denomination there. Speaking
ministries Tim had the privilege of speaking and ministering at ChristLife three time over the past month, and was
the pastor on call while Senior Pastor Russ Cowenhoven and family were on vacation. Shirleys New Office Evangelical
Church Missions recently moved from their old offices to their new office building. Our family spent a loooong day helping
with the move, but Shirley and her staff are excited about their new ministry facilities! Guests From Brazil
We had the privilege of meeting Degenel, Simone, their daughter Natalia, and Christiana from Santos, Brazil. Degenel
and Simone operate Youngs English School which teaches students English and also reaches out to bring Christ to them. A church
has also been birthed out of that ministry. Degenel invited Tim to come sometime in the futuresomething to pray about!
Support Update We have recently seen several more people and a church join our ministry support team! We are
now over 70% of the way to our goal of being fully funded missionaries! If you are interested in joining our support
team, let us know. Wed be glad to tell you more! Trips to Sartell, Independence Tim made ministry trips
to Sartell and Independence this month as part of his ministry as the Church Extension Director for our North Central Conference.
In Sartell, he met with an area pastor, a church planter in the area, and spent time with John Schaeffel, our church planter
in Sartell. Continue praying for the Schaeffels as they gather people in their new plant. Tim accompanied our Superintendent
Jack Trosen to Independence, Iowa for a day of planning and prayer with Nathan and Diane Bargo, our pastoral family there
as we prepare for a restart ministry. Tim coached Nathan at a Church Planting Boot Camp recently. Coaching
Tim continues his coaching ministry with a number of church planters and leaders in several states. PRAY for him to have
wisdom as he coaches.