Israel, 1997
ISRAEL--the trip I'd always dreamed of. In December 1997 Tim was able to visit the Holy Land for 8 days as part
of a "Pastors' Familiarization Tour." To walk where Jesus walked was something I'd always dreamed of. Israel is
called "The Fifth Gospel" because once you've seen the Land the other four Gospels make so much more sense. I found
that to be more than true! There were many highlights during the trip, but perhaps the greatest was "Gordan's
Calvary." A skull shaped hill, a walk through a garden to a tomb only used once...but empty! That summed up the reality
and certainty of our faith. This trip seemed to be the "open door" for me in many ways. Exactly one week
after coming home, a call from Barbour Books began my journey as a published author as they signed me to publish "Christmas
Hearts." My dream of being able to "paint with words" so people can see Jesus came after I'd had the priviledge
of seeing the Holy Land myself.

St. Petersburg, Russia & Minsk, Belarus
In the spring of 1999, Tim made a 22 day trip to the former Soviet Union. This area of the world was a place he'd been praying
to visit and minister for about 7 years! For a complete journal of Tim's trip, click on the story below:
Russia/Belarus 1999
Amsterdam 2000
Tim had the honor of being invited to attend "Amsterdam 2000," a gathering of evangelists from 211 nations around
the world. For 10 days he saw the city of Amsterdam and experienced the wonder of being with passionate believers seeking
to bring Jesus to their own countries and "to the ends of the earth!" For a short article on Tim's impressions
of the visit, click on the story below:
Amsterdam 2000
Japan, 2001
At the request of our sister denomination in Japan, the Uniting Church of Christ, and cooperation with our own Evangelical
Church Missions department, Tim and Shirley spent 17 days speaking in their churches, training their leaders, and falling
in love with the Japanese people. This is a trip Shirley had dreamed of all her life--her father had been stationed there
for a year after WWII, so it was extra special for us! For a ministry journal of our trip to Japan, click on the story below:
Japan 2001
Belarus, 2002
Tim returned to Minsk, Belarus to teach Church Multiplication at Campus
Crusade's International Leadership Academy there. Read about his experiences and reflections in his journal.
Minsk 2002 Journal